Ionic smokeless ashtrays remove smoke at its source
Ions play a significant role in our environment and everyday life. There are two kinds of ions, positive and negative.
Positive ions are produced by cars, factories and their exhausts, heavy machinery, computer monitors, smoke, dust, soot and other pollutants. These positive ions are harmful to the environment and to our health.
Negative ions, on the other hand, are created by nature by sun light, water falls, rain falls, wind and storm.
Outdoors, the negative ions (if their numbers are not overshadowed by positive ions as in cities) cancel out the positive ions for a healthier environment. Indoors, these beneficials negative ions are greatly outnumbered by pollutants.
In fact, studies have shown that most homes, cars and offices have fewer than 1250 negative ions per cubic inch, compared to over 60,000 negative ions found in the same space.
We have created a small, yet sophisticated and powerful negative ion generator to create a stream of beneficial negative ions. These negative ions, literally pull air-borne particles and pollutants out of the air before they can reach your lungs. Our ionic smokeless ashtrays use our sophisticated and powerful negative ion generator to remove smoke.
Our ionic Smokeless ashtrays do not have mechanical parts to wear out and are absolutely quiet. They are available in two sizes. Smoke TrapĀ® is designed for more portability and specifically for inside autos. CaptureĀ® is designed for more stationary applications such as homes and offices. Both units work with batteries as well as with household current. No filters are ever needed.